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It has been a WILD RIDE fearlessly serving as your CREATIVE WARRIOR for over 2 decades. Once I decided to take the plunge as a full-time art-making machine, life has been nothing less than lived in vivid color. 

But fair warning - blazing forward with a paintbrush and a box of wit is not for the faint of heart - the work happening in the background is truly difficult and hard to imagine. It's a mighty fine day when I actually make it into the studio.  

That's why I've simplified my offerings to one product on this website - the highly sought after and easy to gobble POSTCARDS. You love them dearly, and I can ship them from the comfort of
cut-off shorts and flip flops. 

So without fuss or further delay, grab your packs here.  And check back often, I'll keep making more! Thank you oodles.

Follow me on these socials to scope out where I'll be next, and what is new from my place in the sun. 
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